Family photos at Arizona Cactus Garden
Morning light filtered through the Arizona Cactus Garden in Palo Alto, during this multi-generational family photo session. Nicole and Mark brought their 10 month old daughter Kaia, home to the Bay Area from their current base in the UK. This photo session was with Nicole's family - her mom and her two brothers. The morning light added a fresh, bright vibe to these family photos.
Family photos at Filoli, Khong and Linna
If you’re wanting to update your family photos with a garden background, look no further than Filoli in Woodside, CA. It’s the photo-perfect garden in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a family photographer, I rate it highly for its variety of backgrounds, large parking lots (the logistics matter), and flat, paved paths.
Family Photos at Filoli with the Roberts
Filoli is a top location for family photo sessions in the San Francisco Bay Area. In this session, we took some updated family photos for the Roberts, and their 2 year old Jane stole the show. Jane has so much energy and independence - from the confident stomp-stomp in her summer sandals, and the quiet examination of every pebble and stick in her path, to the decisive waves of her small hands telling us all where to stand (yes including me with my camera). I’m honored to contribute to the Roberts’ heirlooms and their family’s journey, and I look forward to seeing their future seasons of life.
Maternity photos at Montara State Beach - Sharon + Andrew
Sharon and Andrew’s beachside maternity photoshot at Montara State Beach, to celebrate a new and exciting season in their journey together as family. It was a gloomy and windy day, but it made these photos all the more majestic.
Maternity & family photos at Crissy Field, San Francisco
Dahee was eager to book a maternity/family photoshoot for her second baby. We chose to met at Crissy Field in the Presidio in San Francisco, as this location holds a lot of meaning for Dahee’s family. The splendid backdrop of the Golden Gate Bridge also makes for an iconic background; after all, this baby is very much made in San Francisco.
Kim-Perez Family - Family Photos at the Arizona Cactus Garden
As expected from an event planner, Juliette and her family showed up in impeccable style. I couldn't help but admire the muted, neutral tones of their outfits, perfectly balanced when placed against one another but each could stand on its own and had a unique style. It was literally the gold standard for dressing for a family photoshoot.
Gloria, Mia, Josh - Family Photos at the Arizona Cactus Garden, Stanford
When your 8 year old becomes the creative director for your family photoshoot. No wonder these photos came out like magic.
Anji and Sherwin, Maternity Photos around San Francisco
The kind of maternity photoshoot that every photographer dreams about. Anji reached out wanting to take photos to commemorate their life in their home and neighborhood in San Francisco, before the arrival of their first child. Perhaps my most urban shoot to date, and I’d love to do many, many more of these.
Kim-Lee Family at Filoli - Ray’s 1st Birthday Photoshoot
Elena reached out to me to schedule a photoshoot to celebrate her youngest son’s first birthday. Little did I know that she and her family would show up in the classiest fits of all the families at Filoli that day.